Friday 18 November 2016

Syrian civil war

The unprecedented devastation both in terms of men and material has brought the Syrian crises into international politics of the world. Involvement of too many actors has made the crises so complex that peace seems to be a far-cry.

Arab uprising that ensued in 2010, allowed democracy a chance at the cost of deeply erected authoritarian regimes in many of the Arab countries. This effect has also touched the Syria in 2011 after Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. However the uprising acquired multifaceted dimensions in Syria, rather than bringing hope of a positive change within the political regime. Further, the involvement of ISIS made the situation more complex and difficult for the people living in Syria. The crisis led to the world's largest migration of the people to the neighbouring countries as well as to other parts of the world in search of life and survival.

An image of protest during Arab Spring
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Syrian uprising - Causes and Motives   

After the death of Hafez al-Assad, his son Bashar al-Assad became the Syrian president in 2000, unopposed with 97% of the votes. His appointment raised the hope amongst the Syrian activists of socio-political and economic reforms which gave way to Damascus Spring. In 2001,  leading activists who called for democratic reforms were arrested and imprisoned, bringing an end to Damascus Spring. Moreover severe drought in Syria in 2007 to 2010 led to an increase in poverty, unemployment and social unrest. All this led to an uprising which was supported by many Islamist movements who were also strongly against Mr. Assad's rule.

Different stakeholders are condemning as well as contributing to the war within the war. The state actors are not only facing the war from non-state actors, like international terrorist organisations, Kurdish Forces, but also from their own defected and politically ambitious elements.

Protest at Damascus
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Syrian War - The Actors

Syrian uprising in it's initial phase was an uprising against the authoritarian and corrupt government. The conflict in Syria assumed the nature of a sectarian conflict, with the interference of foreign and regional powers. Shia community dominated Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah group lent their support to the minority Alawite sect of Assad's government. Sunni, which is a majority group opposing the Assad's government is supported by Sunni dominated countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.

Free Syrian Army, popularly known as rebel forces are the group of deserts who are fighting against Assad's regime. These groups are receiving financial and military support from foreign regimes particularly the United States of America and it's allies on the other hand Russia and it's allies are supporting the existing political regime in Syria.

ISIS terrorist beheading a man
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ISIS, and Al-Nusra, the former is an independent international terrorist organisation and later the organisation supported by Al-Qaeda are another two parties in the Syrian conflict.

The conflict has added further complexity with the entry of pro-Kurdish forces which for-long have been nursing the aspirations of an independent Kurdistan, curving out of an area for itself from Iraq, Syria and Turkey. The entry of these powers has not only complicated the nature of the conflict, but has also contributed towards it's sustenance. The external powers are supplying arms and ammunition to the pro and anti-Assad forces which have a circulated the violence as a result the country has slipped into civil war.  

Though every country entering into the civil war is either pro or anti-Assad forces, eye their own profit rather than saving Syria from turning into Ash.

Syria slowly turning into ashes 

An overview of spread of groups
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now let us see how interests of several countries are effecting humanity in Syria severely.

Interest of Iran

Mr. Bashar al-Assad belong to the Shia sect of Islam. Iran which is the largest Shia country in the world, consider it as it's responsibility to help the fellow Shiites. Therefore religious proximity can be considered as one of the factor of Iran's support to Assad but certainly not the only Factor.

Iran backs the Alawites because it would help Iran undermine Israel's security and Saudi Arabia'a interest. Anarchy of the civil war would raise the Vulnerability of Israel. This is because if Israel is attacked from within Syria, Israel would be left with no opposition within Syria to whom it may think of attacking, besides this, Syria is the main transit point for Iranian weapon shipments to Lebanese Shia Islamist movement that is Hezbollah.

Interest of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Shia - Sunni Divide
Saudi Arabia is a Sunni dominated country in the region wish to establish the entire middle east region as uni-polar region, with itself as the most dominant pole. However, it continues to face challenges from Shia dominated Iran, this has created a situation of cold war in the entire region.

In order to consolidate it's position in the region, Saudi Arabia will never accept or dream of a Shia dominated Middle East region. Therefore, Saudi Arabia's major interest lies in mainly a regional order which is in it's favour.

Interest of Turkey

Turkish government since the very beginning has been the staunch critic of Assad's government. They have always been critical of coalition support for the Syrian Kurdish popular potection units an affiliate of the band Turkish Kurdistan Workers party which has been deemed as a terrorist group by Turkey, EU and United States of America.

Turkeys's government fears that is large numbers of Kurdish population may also grow and demand autonomy, so Turkey fears that this conflict may lead to the dismemberment of Turkey with the formation of Kurdistan.

Interest of Kurds

Only interest of the Kurds is that they want their own land, their own state named Kurdistan. This is what they are fighting for in Syria, Iran, Turkey since ages.

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Entry of the Major powers and their Hidden Agendas

Major world powers that are the U.S & allies and Russia & allies have also entered this conflict on one or the other pretext. However they are following their hidden agendas or interest which compelled them to enter the Syrian conflict. The major powers entered into the civil war largely displaced internally as well as from their home land.

U.S pretext of entering into the war are manifold
1) Accusation of Assad, acquiring chemical weapons.
2) He ( Assad ) has been too harsh on his own people.  
3) people in Syria are required to be emancipated of their sufferings.
4) To check the advancing forces of ISIS.

On the other hand, Russia entered into the war in Syria on account of relations such as bombing ISIS, as it is a threat to international security.

However, both Russia and U.S have a secret interest. The former wants to have a puppet government in Damascus through which it can control oil and gas trade and direction of pipe lines. The later wish to consolidate the political regime of Assad and also wish to control the oil and gas trade including the direction of pipelines.

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Interest of US

Arabs awakening provided an opportunity to topple these regimes which follow an independent foreign policy. The loss of pro-western regimes in Tunisia and Egypt have threatened the U.S interest in the region. So, United States tries to seize the 1st Opportunity that came it's way in the from of Syrian crises. U.S made an attempt to remove it's threat which is in the form of Assad regime and his independent foreign policy. Establishing of a puppet government bu U.S would have tinted the regional balance of power against Russia and Iran in the favour of U.S and Saudi Arabia.

Interest of Russia

Russia along with Iran is supplying Assad regime with arms and ammunition, it's forceful intervention in Syria can also be understood in the context of NATO expansion.
Russia has slammed NATO forces for deploying Patriot Missiles in Turkey and this has reinforced their opposition with the deployment in Syria of the State of Art ISKANDER missiles, which cannot be downed by any known anti-missile system. Moreover, Russia wants to protect SKI-NAVAL facility at the Syrian port of Tartous, which serves as Russia's soul Mediterranean base for it's back sea fleet and has forces at an airbase in Latakia, which is president Assad's heartland. Moreover Russia may be using Syria as a card to bring about lifting of western sanctions following Ukrain crises.

An overview of Syrian Civil war
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Everything written is based on information from newspapers, journals, and internet, I don't intend to hurt the feelings of any religious sect, individual, group of people, citizens etc. please associate this article with informative point of view.

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